He is my first love. and yeah i married my first love.

emotions. in. words.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hungry Ghost Festival in hometown^^

actually also dun nit any intros la..
hungry ghost festival who dunno oh~
i came across an article in the paper last nite..
smtg to do with the festival being celebrated in Penang was better than those celebration in China^^
looks like our penangnite has the true spirits of this creepy festival^^
but it is also said that becus majority of penangnite are hokkien and teochew lang.
myself also half teochew half hokkien And half hainanese ^^ but my hometown still lose to penang la^^
every year penang sure wont fail to garner alot of ang mohs to the country and specifically to Penang..
becos of its hawker stalls and also cos this God of Hades or dua-ah-pek festival
here is some picha during the celebration in penang few days ago^^

ehh...im not so sure whose is this...if not wrong,its the King of Hades^^
they are putting up opera shows...that last till late at nights....
the seats at the front row have to be empty as they are reserved for the ghosts...
for those that wanna watch the opera have to sit at the back seats...not the fronts...
remember....you have been warned.... ^^

the food offerings for the deads..

I remembered when we were young, 
we were warned not to place anything other then food on the King of Hades's table.
I was told he ate a baby who was accidentally placed by the mother on the table
When the mother returned to fetch the baby, 
he had turned blue.

It was so scary that we would not dared to go near the table. 
The mum pleaded and cried for the child to be return and apologized for being rude, 
that is placing the child on the table as her hands were full. 
The spirit medium translated as the King of Hades thought that it was a food offering for him.

scary ehh.......i got so scared when my mother told me this tale when i was around 8yrs old^^

during this time of the year...
my parents usually will not allow me to hang out with my frens till late at night...
even if i do hang out..my friends will not dare to hang out till 1030pm,which is our usual hangout limit^^
they are really supersticious u know!
and they are scared to accidentally encounter those *tut*
wakaka,dont say them i myself also^^
paise paise^^

in conjunction with the ghost festival,we have Mooncake Festival too!
its one of my favourite cos i love mooncakes...very nice!^^

          Mango with Pomelo in snowskin mooncake
               Durian Paste in snowskin mooncake 

              Avocado with Mango Mousse Mooncake  

          Felleutine-Hazelnuts with Wafer Crunch Nuts

            Champagne Truffle and Chocolate Ganache

           Baileys Truffle and Mint snowskin mooncake

      Almond Beancurd with Longan Giant snowskin                         mooncake

          Flaky Teochew ''Oor Nee'' mooncake (velvety yam with Japanese golden pumpkin fillings)

even Starbucks dowanna miss out the fun of creating new flavours of mooncakes^^

nah...this is the old traditional geh mooncake....be4 evolution take place and the mooncakes our ah ma lastim kid time eat geh became like those mentioned earlier^^ how to say le...ehh...our generation geh mooncakes ba^^

                         Tung-Lok mooncakes...
maybe its plain..but when its made by Tunglok it has got to be good!^^
this one is first baked be4 undergoing chilling process.
its the first baked-and-chilled mooncakes in Singapore!^^

          Peony Jade's wild strawberries and banana mooncakes

notice the chunks of strawberries and banana inside them?`and they are in low fat yoghurt too!wow!^^
         Peony Jade's Alcoholic Lychee Tini and Ganache 
this one geng lo...it has got liquorice truffle at its core^^ and with the taste of lychee martini cocktail feel^^

                            Kia Hiang Mooncakes
comes with 5 flavours:green tea,durian,chocolate with rum and raisin,creamy blueberry...and CHEESE!!! my favourite...omg,tantalizing!^^

       Carlton's Lavender flavoured snowskin mooncake
comes with 3 flavours:melon seed and wheatgrass,lavender(mentioned) and hazelnut and coco nata.....of cus,lavender will stir up most curiousity...imagine floral taste in mooncakes!definitely modern^^

              Godiva's Belgian Chocolate mooncake!
even this chocolatier brand doesnt want to b left out^^

see....told ya! everybody simply love mooncakes!! ^^
but of cus,to eat really good and quality mooncakes, u have gtta have the cash^^
those mentioned above are certainly one of the top 20 in Singapore! try it! ^^

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My greetings to the world.

his is my first post ^^
so... hi! ^^ i chose red color and a large font to do my typing.
so that u guys wont have difficulties to read them^^
its random actually the idea to create a blog.
inversi haha..too much of KOMSAS^^
back to serious business.i found lots of exciting sites and news on the Net today.
ehh not just today actually^^
but anyway i wanted to share them with my friends~
so i figure by blogging it will b the best way to share what i wanna share with my pals^^
dont ask me why pinar?and big apples???
 ehh i dun know either^^
mby cus im very hungry that i cant stop thinking of BigApple's sugary doughnuts^^

one of Mr.BigApple's branches^^
see..its packed like sardines in a tin^^
well ntg surprising cox they make the best doughnuts in Malaysia!!

some of their doughnuts range^^
see those pink ones,so cute^^
stood out ehh?^^
Blake's favourite donut^^
it has got a heavy coat of melted chocolate^^
however im personally not quite impress with the color (=.=)
reminds me of shit ''milo kaw kaw'' at mamak stall^^
no offence, Blake!^^

the name is CAESER GARDEN
look familiar?
yeap,its Alvin from ''Alvin and The Chipmunks'' 's favourite donut^^
this is the Cheesey one for the cheeselovers...
i love cheese! and i love cheeseburgers...
but not this..seriously it taste weird.
but somehow i finish it up w\o even realising it...
mby cox its made by the best doughnut confectionery in Malysia!!

dont miss out their coffee^^
they have some gorgeous-looking coffee brewer^^

famish or not?
u would if u have tried them! 
okay enough of introducing u the bigApple's donut range..
it took away three quarters of my first post!
i hope i am able to give u guys informative news and entertainment in the future^^
enjoy reading^^
and try bigApple's if u have one near ur town..
then u will know what the angels eat^^