He is my first love. and yeah i married my first love.

emotions. in. words.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My greetings to the world.

his is my first post ^^
so... hi! ^^ i chose red color and a large font to do my typing.
so that u guys wont have difficulties to read them^^
its random actually the idea to create a blog.
inversi haha..too much of KOMSAS^^
back to serious business.i found lots of exciting sites and news on the Net today.
ehh not just today actually^^
but anyway i wanted to share them with my friends~
so i figure by blogging it will b the best way to share what i wanna share with my pals^^
dont ask me why pinar?and big apples???
 ehh i dun know either^^
mby cus im very hungry that i cant stop thinking of BigApple's sugary doughnuts^^

one of Mr.BigApple's branches^^
see..its packed like sardines in a tin^^
well ntg surprising cox they make the best doughnuts in Malaysia!!

some of their doughnuts range^^
see those pink ones,so cute^^
stood out ehh?^^
Blake's favourite donut^^
it has got a heavy coat of melted chocolate^^
however im personally not quite impress with the color (=.=)
reminds me of shit ''milo kaw kaw'' at mamak stall^^
no offence, Blake!^^

the name is CAESER GARDEN
look familiar?
yeap,its Alvin from ''Alvin and The Chipmunks'' 's favourite donut^^
this is the Cheesey one for the cheeselovers...
i love cheese! and i love cheeseburgers...
but not this..seriously it taste weird.
but somehow i finish it up w\o even realising it...
mby cox its made by the best doughnut confectionery in Malysia!!

dont miss out their coffee^^
they have some gorgeous-looking coffee brewer^^

famish or not?
u would if u have tried them! 
okay enough of introducing u the bigApple's donut range..
it took away three quarters of my first post!
i hope i am able to give u guys informative news and entertainment in the future^^
enjoy reading^^
and try bigApple's if u have one near ur town..
then u will know what the angels eat^^

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